Lena Milsell - Technogarden SE

Lena Milsell

Lena Milsell porträtt

I have a degree in Accounting and have previously worked as a Financial Officer. I have also been self-employed and worked with salary-related issues for many years.

4 quick questions for Lena

What is your role at Technogarden?
I am CFO at Technogarden and my colleagues and I are responsible for the company’s finances.

What are your foremost qualities?
I have a passion for numbers. I am also structured, flexible, and thorough.

Which superhero do you identify with the most and what superpowers would you like to have?
Pepper Potts, who is loyal, smart, and strong. I have somewhat similar qualities; I take care of everyone around me and can solve most problems.

Why do you like Technogarden?
We have a friendly and open-minded atmosphere and a positive attitude where we see opportunities and solutions.


Phone: +46 735 21 71 23